It’s a new time for structured settlements
Led by smart people with unmatched expertise
Powered by tech that clarifies best strategies for cases of all sizes
Seamlessly combined to empower your best decisions
Structured for your success
Why structures? Why the Chronovo revolution in structures?
Structures enable insurers to maximize a tax-free, life-long financial path forward for injured individuals. Chronovo leverages innovative technology and incomparable personnel to make structures intuitive, graphical and accessible for everyone. The “new time” in structured settlements has become its primetime standard.
Claimant / Claimant’s Counsel / Claims Professional / Defense Counsel / Carrier Home Office
Meet the Chronovo Team
It takes a group of innovative professionals with deep expertise and absolute focus on informed, life-enhancing outcomes to completely restructure the structured settlement industry. We’re fueled by a value-driven nationwide sales and service team, along with tech advocates who make every case their most important case.
“After I became a paraplegic due to a car accident, I chose a structured settlement. It is the key to my financial planning, offering me the security to pursue fulfilling opportunities in education, employment and life in general.”
MEGAN O’NEILWorld Institute on Disability
“Structured settlements protect the needy from the greedy. They are the ultimate safeguards to guarantee the long-term financial health of people harmed in accidents.”
“For years I have strongly recommended structured settlements to my clients because they are the single best way to guarantee their money is safeguarded. They are the single best way to ensure that my clients maximize their opportunity to live independent lives.”
FRANCISCO GUERRA IVVictims Rights Attorney
“As United Cerebral Palsy [provides] services to people with disabilities, structured settlements are often the most effective tool for those individuals and their families to achieve long term financial security.”
STEPHEN BENNETTPresident, United Cerebral Palsy