All investors are seeking Goldilock’s golden mean between growth and security.
Structured settlements have always offered injured individuals unassailable security and the high value of tax-free payments. While COLAs can provide modest, inflation-pacing growth in structures, growth can be compromised with some structures.
But it doesn’t have to be so.
Structures can balance unparalleled security with significant growth.
For example, Pacific Life’s Index-Linked Annuity Payment Adjustment Rider or “ILAPA” preserves all the security of traditional tax-free structures with the unique opportunity for up to 5% growth in monthly payments every year based on the performance of the S&P 500 without any downside risk whatsoever. Wonderfully, once a payment is adjuster upward, it never declines regardless of the performance of the Market of S&P 500.
ILAPA provides upside swings with a safety net. It’s the ‘just right” Goldilock’s of structured settlements.
At Chronovo, we work with all the parties to craft a variety of compelling options to pave the financial path forward for the injured individual.
With growth secure structures like ILAPA ( and dramatically lower post-settlement medical costs with ChronovoCare (, we make all the difference at settlement time and for the life beyond.
Give us a chance to show you what we can do on your claim.
Please reach out to me with any questions, ideas or inquires at or call Bill Wakelee at (610) 564-1734 or