Chronovo’s comprehensive solution set streamlines and enhances the process of providing tax-free, life-long security for all injured individuals and the professionals who support them. There has never been a better time to realize the full potential of structured settlements and do what’s right in each case.

Let’s get started. How can structures work for you?


Do you have a plan to ensure that money for your settlement lasts as long as you want and need it? More…

Claimant Counsel

Have you compared for your client the tax-exempt, cost-free performance of a structured settlement with the risk-based approach of a typical investment plan? More…

Claims Professional

Is there a gap between the claimants’ wishes for the amount of the settlement and the value of the claim? More…

Defense Counsel

Do all parties understand that a structured settlement can be designed to become a college funding and/or retirement plan? More…

Carrier Home Office

Do you have a programmatic approach to ensure that claims professionals know and present structures as alternatives? More…

“In addition to tax-free income, one of the great benefits of a structured settlement is that you can choose to go back to work after your accident and still receive your benefits in full.”